Jon Bilson
Jon is a business and management psychologist with a unique skill mix. As a holder of an MBA with a long history of business management, he gets businesses of all sizes. As a registered psychologist, however, he also gets the people that make those businesses tick.
Over the last fifteen years, Jon has been working as a change manager and coach. He works with senior managers to instigate cultural change that lasts, and to generally improve businesses.
He’s holistic in the way he does things, looking at the people within the business, projects, commercial awareness, and how everything might be made more innovative. Jon’s psychology background gives him some good insight into how people and all their quirks click together, or don’t.
Considering the nature of Dismantle, Jon is an exciting person to have on the board. His impressive business management experience will be a boon for the organisation, while, as a psychologist, he’ll understand the social complexities at play behind the kids Dismantle works with.