
Pat Ryan

Pat Ryan is the stalwart, rusted on heart of Dismantle. He’s been working for the organisation since 2012, first as General Manager and then as CEO from 2015. Pat’s sailed the Dismantle ship through many a storm, his sense of humour never wavering, and is a huge part of how it came to be the vibrant, cranking org it is today. 

Pat has a BA in Behavioural Science and, during his degree, was part of a group that travelled regularly to the East Kimberley to work with traditional owners, both on community led projects and with youth services there. This experience really sparked his passion for the sort of work Dismantle does. His first job after uni was with the Department for Child Protection in their Crisis Accommodation, working as part of the team that looks after young people in extremely traumatising situations. 

Pat is passionate about helping to empower the most vulnerable people in our communities and particularly thrives in the youth sector. He loves working alongside brilliant people who dedicate themselves to a great cause, such as those in the Dismantle team, and is constantly humbled by the incredible resilience young people can demonstrate to overcome their challenges.