Hi, I’m Zoe, the Dismantle storyteller. I write all the social media posts, website copy and media releases for the organisation, along with a few other bits and pieces. Dismantle has so many incredible stories unfolding in and around its programs and partnerships, and it’s essential that they are told. I love being the one who gets to do that.
I’ve been working on and off for Dismantle, in a variety of roles, since the org was founded back in 2010. I’ve been a program facilitator (what’s now knows as a BikeRescue mentor), general mechanic, blog writer, communications officer, and, now, storyteller.
As a freelancer, I do a bunch of writing for all sorts of organisations - though mostly not-for-profit or companies that do some sort of social good. I’ve written everything from blogs to interpretive signage trails and I love the variety. I’ve got a few jobs, though: I’m also a mum, a bar manager, and a recently graduated registered nurse. I’ll be focusing more on the latter next year, but will hopefully stay involved with Dismantle in some capacity well into the future.