The Dismantle Quarterly - July 2019


Welcome to The Dismantle Quarterly

There's so much going on here at Dismantle. We're recycling hundreds of bicycles with hundreds of amazing young people across Perth, we're visiting regional areas in WA to run programs, we're working with BikeDr. to offer some of our graduates their first job, we've moved into a new warehouse in West Perth, we trained up a talented team of Youth Workers in Alice Springs and we've started a new social enterprise (more on that next) - and this has all happened in the last 3 months!

To help you stay up to date with what's happening across our organisation, we're compiling our stories into a newsletter we're calling 'The Dismantle Quarterly'. It's a collection of bits and pieces we find interesting and hope you will too.

At the time of writing this we've only got a few hundred subscribers, so firstly, thanks for signing up to hear our news, and then second - please do us a favour and share this with someone that should know what we do here. The more we can get our message out, the more good work we can do across the communities we work in.

 - the Dismantle Team

Introducing: 'ReNew Property Maintenance'
For those of you who have been following our social media, you would have seen the exciting news in October last year - winning Impact100 WA's $100k Grant. This funding has been used to initiate a new social enterprise within the umbrella of Dismantle - ReNew Property Maintenance

ReNew is an opportunity for our BikeRescue program graduates to stay connected to our team, for a further 3-6 months, to assist them overcome their challenges and enter the workforce. The work consists of a range of groundskeeping and labour tasks, but the real value we're seeing is the development of soft skills; turning up on time, being proud of a day's work and having ongoing conversations about 'what's next'. Also, we're helping each participant with getting a bank account, super, TFN, police clearance and a white card. This is basic stuff, but sometimes it's the smaller things that hold young people back from being able to get into a job.

The best part is, ReNew is a social enterprise, trading with commercial partners, which means we're able to create our own income to fund the opportunities for our young people. Starting only 3 months ago, ReNew has been flat out, performing services 5 days a week, with 10 young people working their first job in the new business unit. 


Thanks Kennards Hire!
Joining as a major supporter of Dismantle, Kennards Hire Foundation has been incredibly supportive of kids doing it tough in Aus and NZ.
Now we've joined their support list, Kennards Hire Foundation are subsidising programs, helping us order bulk parts, sorting us out with equipment, storage space, providing OHS training and much more… a big shout out to the team at Kennards Hire! 
ReNew Update - Lachie and Byron

Lachie and Byron have just finished their first 3-month position at ReNew, having graduated BikeRescue earlier in the year.
“The first day we met I was nervous as hell. I’m more confident & efficient now. ReNew doesn’t just teach you to garden, it teaches you to be organised.”
BikeRescue in Alice Springs
BikeRescue License is a new-ish initiative of Dismantle, specially designed for regional partners.
We've packaged our program into a turn-key license, offering training, equipment and teaching resources so teachers and youth workers in other areas can deliver BikeRescue themselves.
The Gap Youth Centre in Alice Springs were the latest regional partners to sign up for a BikeRescue License...

We're always on the lookout for support. Whether you want to donate a bike for our youth programs, organise a corporate volunteering day or sponsor a program, we'd love to hear from you.


2011 - 2019



We have over 1,900 stories of helping at-risk teens to build life, learning & employability skills.



Facilitating the restoration of nearly 2,500 bikes - with around 600 donated to charities in Perth.



37+ tonnes worth of waste diverted from landfill.


Offering young people entry level work opportunities within our social enterprise initiatives.

Our Major Partners

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Dismantle is a charity that exists to enable at-risk young people to achieve their potential.

2 Golding Street, West Perth
ABN: 6741 992 1660
m. 0468 744 258

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