BikeRescue re-enage youth at Banksia Hill Detention Centre


Curtin's University's AHEAD initiative, which aims to bridge the gap and get disadvantaged students into tertiary education, engaged BikeRescue for a five program stint at Banksia Hill Detention Centre. 

The exploratory program aims to measure BikeRescue's efficacy in demonstrating good outcomes for incarcerated youth, including community engagement following release. Participants restored a bike to keep each and even got to test their new rides out in the prison courtyard. Project Officer at Curtin AHEAD, Len Neilsen, commented: "Feedback from the Dismantle programs was really positive. Banksia Hill management and teachers strongly supported the programs, noting that the kids participating in the workshops were highly engaged and more positive about their studies throughout the program. As a result, Curtin is committed to supporting the program as much as possible into the future!" 

Upon release, participants are invited to visit Dismantle to pick up their bike and be introduced to our work-readiness programs. If interested and eligible, they’ll be encouraged to take on one day a week of paid, supported employment with ReNew Property Maintenance.

"I can say with certainty that BikeRescue was a success at Banksia Hill. When the young people heard about the program, their curiosity and interest was spiked and they couldn’t wait to get started. Through Bike Rescue, we noticed  an improvement in our students willingness to have a go and were impressed with how open they were with the mentors." Sandra Dusz, Principal Youth Education, Banksia Hill Detention Centre.

We'd like to thank Curtin and Banksia Hill for a wonderful experience and look forward to re-connecting with the participants at Dismantle following release.