Dismantle welcome UnLtd. as major partner

Dismantle is delighted to welcome UnLtd to its family of major partners. With an established presence on the eastern seaboard, UnLtd opened its doors in Perth last year, with Dismantle selected to be the first charity to join their portfolio in WA. 

UnLtd connect the media, marketing and advertising industry with selected charities that provide hope and opportunity for at-risk young people. With a long list of committed media partners from Facebook to Channel 7, UnLtd contributed $14M worth of social impact for Australian charities in 2019 alone. 

Dismantle and UnLtd kicked off their partnership at UnLtd's much loved BigClash cricket event held at Leederville Oval earlier this year. The competitive cricket event (pitting media agencies against media owners) raised over $14K for Dismantle. A big thank you to sponsors JCDeacaux, NewsCorp and Nine Radio for their support. 

UnLtd have also facilitated a number of valuable projects for Dismantle with the help of of their networks, including one of Australia's media heavyweights, the Dentsu Aegis Network, who've come onboard to create an awareness campaign for Dismantle.

UnLtd Perth GM, Carol Morris, says of the partnership: "Dismantle has all the measures of success that we look for in a charity.  We were inspired by their innovative business model and the powerful programs they deliver. I've recently had the pleasure of meeting some of the young people; their energy and positive mindset proved beyond any statistical metrics - that Dismantle has had a life changing impact on them.

Dismantle will be long standing partner of UnLtd's and we are thrilled to work with the communications industry to help share the the Dismantle story and impact they have on so many young people."